Sound Bath

A vibrational sound experience with Crystal Tones Alchemy crystal singing bowls that are made of the highest quality (99.992% pure) quartz crystal, making them incredibly resonant. The Alchemy Crystal bowls are infused with precious metals, and gemstones. The tones produced by crystal bowls are not just heard by the ear, you feel them in your body, with certain tones affecting your energy centers (chakras) for healing, balancing & meditation.

Crystal Tones’ Alchemy bowls are made with a unique, patented manufacturing process which is available only with their bowls. This process makes the bowls strong and incredibly pure in tone. Crystal Tones’ are made with intention. Sound Bath includes various drums, and Koshi chimes. Some benefits include relaxation, reduced stress, lower blood pressure, increased mental sharpness, less mood swings, improved sleep, and more.

Inquire for current rates, sliding scale available. In person or zoom available.

Yoga Nidra & Sound Healing

Rest is your birth right! In our world, rest is often seen as laziness but rest is necessary for us humans to function efficiently. Rest and relaxation will support you to show up for yourself and then others. Everything above in Sound Bath plus a guided deep relaxation practice.

“Yoga Nidra is release of all doing, all effort to be anywhere but where you are. It is a subtraction of doing. In the absence of doing, you notice you are already whole.”-Yoga Nidra, The Art of Transformational Sleep


Inquire for current rates, sliding scale available. In person or zoom available.

Private Yoga Therapy

As for my ‘typical’ physical yoga classes I concentrate on slowing down the body, mind, and breath since majority of us humans live our lives in an unconscious and automatic fog.  I intertwine mindfulness, awareness, breath work, and meditation practices to unify the mind, body, and spirit. My sessions are gentle with stress management practices, functional movements, and offer many variations that are accessible for all levels, especially beginners! I will curate a practice for your needs and wants, whether it’s a specific ailment or overall wellness. I encourage you to honor your body as you arrive on your mat in each moment.

What is Yoga Therapy?

“Yoga therapy is a self-empowering process, where the care-seeker, with the help of the Yoga therapist, implements a personalized and evolving Yoga practice, that not only addresses the illness in a multi-dimensional manner, but also aims to alleviate his/her suffering in a progressive, non-invasive and complementary manner. Depending upon the nature of the illness, Yoga therapy can not only be preventative or curative, but also serve a means to manage the illness, or facilitate healing in the person at all levels.” -TKV Desikachar & Kausthub Desikachar

“Yoga therapy is a holistic healing art. Rather than prescribe treatments, it invites presence and awareness. Using age-old yogic approaches to deeper presence and awareness, we are able to know ourselves more fully. Out of that knowing, we are more easily moved to embrace the opportunity for change, growth, and enhanced well-being in body, feelings, thought, and spirit.”- Michael Lee

Energy exchange starting at $120/hour
*can be blended with Sound Healing for an additional rate

Speciality Events

Any & all group events. I have experience holding space for corporate groups, birthday parties, bachelorette/bachelor parties, and music festivals. I am open to all ideas!

*sliding scales are available, just ask in the intake forms above!