Cacao Ceremony & Ecstatic Dance

As a community, we will meet in a sacred ceremony to mindfully drink and pray over medicinal Cacao. Cacao was first nurtured as a crop in South American cultures, Mayan and Aztec being the most well known. The scientific genus name for cacao is “theobroma", which translates to “Food of the Gods,” and the Maya believed that cacao was a key ingredient in restoring balance and connection to the divine. Cacao is minimally processed and carefully prepared to maintain all of the healing qualities. In the Cacao ceremony, you will be guided into meditation to set an intention, explore heart inspiration, and human connection. Cacao allows you to feel and is a loving guide to express your authentic self.

Together, we’ll cultivate grounded energy through somatic movements to consciously feel into our bodies. With a curated playlist, we’ll explore the depths of our beings through untethered movement. Ecstatic dance is a free-form movement celebration held in a sacred, non-judgmental container. "Ecstatic" is defined as feeling or expressing overwhelming happiness or joyful excitement and involving an experience of mystic self-transcendence.

Please bring your favorite mug, a journal and pen, and wear comfortable, lightweight clothing. No yoga mats. Respectfully, keep your mind and body free of substances the day of ceremony. We recommend arriving on an empty stomach or keeping food light beforehand. (Optional, but might not feel great to dance while digesting a giant burrito, ya know? Also, a clear system will allow you to be more sensitive to the healing and heart-opening qualities of cacao.)

All are welcome, come as you are, and liberate your truest self in a community of loving humans.